Whatcha’ll look like now, hmmmm?

My wife found this blazer on a stall at some vintage festival we were at. It was a tad
tight but being double breasted there was enough fabric to reposition the buttons
making it much more comfortable. My tailor confirmed that it had been made to
measure and would have been at considerable cost. A lucky find.

They haven't always been in the loo. Some I've recruited when they've been standing in the corridor.

I'm very resourceful when it comes to getting help and am not above asking a nearby gent for assistance if no ladies are available. :cool:
Wanted to add that in my experience men are a whole lot less skittish about this kind of thing than women are. They see a problem and are happy to help. If it means (gasp!) seeing the back of woman's bra, they somehow soldier through. Imagine if a man asked a woman he didn't know for assistance that including her seeing the back of his boxers or BVDs. Half would go running for the hills.

Case in point - Not too many years ago DH and I were on a cruise. It being day one of a 7 day cruise, there were a couple of bridal parties running around in full regalia. The ship hadn't yet sailed when DH & I were walking in the corridor where our cabin was located. We encountered a bride in her early fifties walking with her adult daughter. The bride was obviously distressed and begged me to please, please help her.

She was generously endowed and wore a strapless bridal gown with a bustier type top. It contained numerous interior nylon stays including some under the arms. One had poked through the inside fabric and was stabbing the flesh between her armpit and breast. Complicating matters, the back zipper was thoroughly jammed. Worse, her daughter had tried to assist by clipping the nylon stay, making the offending edge razor sharp. The bride was near tears in pain and was contemplating getting cut out of the dress before her wedding reception had even begun.

I tried but didn't have the strength to remove the stay, then told her that DH was the one with garment construction experience. She fixed her eyes on him and begged him for help. He explained that he'd have to reach into the dress (touching some breast tissue) to see what he could do. She said, "Grab away!" :ROFLMAO: It was so painful she didn't care what he did, just please help. It took several minutes but he wrestled out the offending stay.

After that it took DH & me another 5-10 minutes to unpick the fabric from her zipper so she wouldn't have to be cut out of the dress.

From that point forward, whenever we saw her during the cruise she introduced us to whoever she was with, referring to DH as "my hero."

Now imagine if a groom's tuxedo trouser zipper was snagged on some abdominal flesh and he approached a woman walking down the hall asking for assistance. Yeah, good luck with that.
Picture I just now took while outside with Mason
Last outside of the night for my friend the boy dog and so nice out
Gosh I'm old (70 in September) ... shoot SHOOT

Um, I don't think so but thank you Holly lol. My daughters took a pic this Christmas Eve when we went to the CineBistro for dinner and a movie...this time it was "The Greatest Showman" so I'll try to have them send it to me. Hugh Jackman played PT Barnum. I'd have a crush on him if he was older:rolleyes:. Zandaya was a wonderful actress. She was new to me.
Fantastic film.
