Recent content by lynx78

  1. L

    Bees Invade Tennis Tournament, Sting Second Ranked Player

    I didnt see that....I was too beezy
  2. L

    What exercise have you done today?

    just rode my bike 12 miles/ did some total gym stuff for upper body work/ little stretching/ now in recliner
  3. L

    I am curious to know what gays and lesbians look for in a relationship?

    Good, I have a true story about that question....when I was in HS, a buddy and I were 16 years old and working a summer job landscaping....with a lady, another dude and the two guys who own and ran the landscaping company....after a few weeks we found out the two bosses were...
  4. L

    Now, a personal question-Who does your toe nails?

    I get a pedicure once a it
  5. L

    Goodbye Readers Digest.... I've known you all my life

    lots of young people....and I mean even HS students can't and don't read....we always read when I was a kid in school....Weekly Reader, Sports IIlustrated, newspaper, lots of oral reading
  6. L

    Goodbye Readers Digest.... I've known you all my life

    I enjoyed the "Laughter, the Best Medicine"
  7. L

    2024 - How's the Weather Where You Are?

    today it was 91, humid and felt like July
  8. L

    Did you know that Male Seahorses get Pregnant and give birth?

    lol...yeah, my fault...I am the one who started the out of the mouth thing.....but I confused that with a certain fish, which hatches out of their mouths...not the male....maybe I saw that on the fake news....CNN( LOL)
  9. L

    You golf cart users

    Thanks...yeah, I meant it's not electric with the battery comment. Don't have to worry about HOA......I live in a rural area with no such thing
  10. L

    Tornadoes tear across America's heartland

    tornadoes are horrible....lived in the so called tornado alley for about 15 years....actually in 3 tornadoes...sirens, took cover, etc. One hit right across the street but didn't cross the street to affect any time we were driving in the middle of nowhere, stopped by highway...
  11. L

    You golf cart users

    Mr. Magoo....good times
  12. L

    Did you know that Male Seahorses get Pregnant and give birth?

    And they come out of their mouth....pretty cool info
  13. L

    You golf cart users fantasy island ...just small town America where lots of folks use them throughout the town.... the side roads, etc.
  14. L

    How often do you take a shower?

    Daily shower....I am fairly active and outside, sweat, dirt (maybe)'s a refreshing activity at the end of a busy or tiring day...
  15. L

    You golf cart users

    have an opportunity to buy a golf cart for $2,000...less than 25 miles on it....E-Z Go brand....6 seater...gas, no battery Is that a good deal?