If you are a child of the 60s, you listened to rock on the radio. Remember the DJs ??????

Ohhhhh, Dick Biondi of WLS in Chicago was THE disc jockey we all loved back in the late '50s, early "60s. I especially recall his (?) made up song....... "On top of a pizza, all covered with cheese, I saw my first meatball, til somebody sneezed. It rolled off the table, and on to the floor........." And I forgot the rest of the words.
...... when somebody kicked it,
it rolled out the door.

Ahh, thank you RadishRose!
I listened to music every chance I got, especially from the late '50s thru early '70s. My kids and current wife are amazed that I can tell the name of a song, the group, and the year any of that era's songs start to play - often just hearing the first few notes. Ha, that ability and $5 will get me a cup of coffee!
