A new face

Welcome Tel, where in the world are you?... if you fill in your profile we'll know , no need for any great detail if you don't wish but your location would be a help as we're all scattered around the western world here.

You sound like you're in OZ or the UK ... ..steam trains are a popular subject with some people here, I love them too... so never think you'll be boring..

Hi Tel, you will know me as Janet! I too need to work out how to enter details into the profile, like for instance, how to put in our Location! When you got it sussed, let me know, eh? Ta.
Welcome Tel, where in the world are you?... if you fill in your profile we'll know , no need for any great detail if you don't wish but your location would be a help as we're all scattered around the western world here.

You sound like you're in OZ or the UK ... ..steam trains are a popular subject with some people here, I love them too... so never think you'll be boring..

Love that welcome message!
