Ooooh That Smell

Smell of toffee apples and candy floss at the fairground

Cherry Blend pipe tobacco - reminds me of my dad.
Paste wax - waxing up that first car.
Diesel fumes and dust in the air - living in Turkey.
Roses - my grandma always wore rose perfume and powder. Makes me feel like a treasured child again.
Coney dogs - the state fair every August.
A baby's hair - nothing better.
New leather - new car.
Gardenias - my other grandmother's house.
Mothballs - my grandma's closet always smelled of mothballs, but there were so many wonderful things in there.
Pine needles - gone camping.
The aroma just as it starts raining - ahhhh, it's cooling down.
Pinon wood in a fireplace - Santa Fe in the winter.
That first sniff of salt flats when approaching the coast - yay! We're going to the beach!
