I Have Eaten Spam So Here Are My Thoughts


Well-known Member
Houston, Texas
Since the shelves were depleted I grabbed two cans of Spam. I have not eaten Spam since I was a teenager. The first thing is when I opened the can the smell was very close to the smell of the dog good we fed out dog in the 50s. It was awful. Next is the texture is more bread like meaning they have taken away some meat and replaced it with filler. It is more mushy now. However the flavor is not bad especially hot fried with BBQ sauce. I am afraid to read the label so I cannot comment on it.

When we were kids, we had bologna so often that Spam probably tasted like steak to us. Yes, we were poor, but our parents did their best.
For me, bologna would be a gourmet treat compared to SPAM.

I still enjoy fried bologna once or twice a year.

I remember getting the rind from the bologna caught between my teeth when we used to have to remove it from each slice.
I still enjoy fried bologna once or twice a year.
My mother made that now and then. Remember how the slices puffed up in the center and got crispy on the edges? My girlfriend's daughter fills these with scrambled eggs for her kids.

Last shopping trip I bought 2 cans of white meat chicken for the first time. Yesterday I opened one and made chicken salad. It's good! Got 2 servings out of it; lunch and supper.
I developed a taste for Spam when I was in the Air Force. The base chow hall always served Spam and Eggs as part of the menu for Midnight Chow. I would come back from having some local German beer in town, stop by the chow hall for a couple of slices of Spam and some scrambled eggs, and call it a night.
Even today, my wife makes a casserole using low sodium Spam and macaroni and tomatoes, every few weeks, and I like that.
Have 2 or 3 cans in the cabinet now. I've eaten it sparingly for years. Still do, and I have learned that my SO's little yapper likes it too.

Sadly the 2020 SpamJam festival in Honolulu has been rescheduled to a later, to be determined date
I buy a can now and then. I have a really quick recipe which I think was on the can at one time. Slice it and cover the bottom of a small casserole dish with the slices,put leftover mashed potatoes on top of the spam and cover with grated cheddar cheese and put it under the broiler. Cut into squares and serve with a salad or other veggies. not bad for a really quick dinner. I've seen it called Treet also but never heard of Prem.
