Greetings From UK

Hello and Welcome to our group!:)
I've seen a few of your posts, and I think you will like interacting with us, here!
I am in the northern USA. It's snowy and wintry here, now. Sending a hello, across the Ocean to you, today!🙋‍♀️
Glad you found us!🤩
Welcome to the forums Mandee. I'm in the forested region of the far northeastern US and share your love of nature.

My wife and I retired and moved to this area ... it must be about seven years ago now. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to adjust to a new location during times such as these. Please know that you're most welcome in these forums. I look forward to your future posts.
Thank you Tommy, nice to meet you and that sounds like a lovely place to live where you are.
My recent move has been a major change not just in location but also lifestyle, I think it will take a while to adjust completely, but I'm sure I will do eventually. :)
Welcome to the forum Mandee (from New Jersey ..northeast USA). You will certainly find plenty of nice people and interesting "conversations" (threads) here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Welcome Glitter Butterfly.gif
Welcome Mandee.
I'm in the UK but a long way from you.
I'm retired and like you I used to love walking but my recent chemo treatment for leukaemia has curtailed that.
Thank you Purwell, nice to meet you :)
I am sorry to hear of your health situation and hope you have family / friends nearby to support you through what must be a very difficult and stressful time. I send my best wishes and a (hug) to you. :)
The North East covers a big area Mandee, is it impolite to ask: "Do you have a canny accent?" I'm a former Londoner now residing in The New Forest area. You will feel most welcome here. Don't be shy, just enjoy the company, it gets quite addictive.
Thank you horseless carriage and nice to meet you, actually I'm originally from Lancashire but been in County Durham for many, many years. Accent wise: I often find people know I'm not native to these parts despite those many years here. :D
Hi @Mandee, nice to have you with us!

