Recent content by Mirabilis

  1. Mirabilis

    Do you watch sports?

    I could not find a sport section or a sports group (shocking). Any sport fans out there? Personally I love to watch Baseball, Football, Tennis and currently I am following FIFA 2014.
  2. Mirabilis

    What Kind of Sunglasses Do You Wear?

    Prescription Rayban Jackie O's. It's always sunny here :D and when I am feeling more hip my old Revos:
  3. Mirabilis

    So What do you use when you listen to music?

    I am having fun telling my son all about the music I love. Back in my 20s I saved and bought a Pioneer system the size of a fridge. It had a turn- table and an amplifier and gigantic speakers, etc etc and I also had a huge collection of vinyl records. In my 30s I used the multiple-CD player...
  4. Mirabilis

    Memory Loss - When to Worry and What to Do

    My mother is nearly 80 years old. Since last year, I have noticed little things like, she will tell you an anecdote and not even 5 minutes later she will tell it to you again. Then the following day she will repeat it like it is the first time. Is this Dementia? Alzheimer's? I can't tell...
  5. Mirabilis

    Warm Hello from South Florida

    Hello everybody, I will be 52 this year and I have a 13-year old that keeps me feeling young. I have noticed this year a sudden impetus of learning those things that I always wanted to learn but never had time to. I went to university for electrical engineering and later accounting but...