An idea related to curbing SPAM and BOGUS signups of new members

Aunt Marg

I've noticed there to be a general theme of a lot of new members signing up here, members with no intentions on adding to the forum or looking to better the forum, but rather, members looking to disrupt the forum.

Whenever I review a new member, 9 times out of 10, it shows them visiting the "Health" or "Weight Loss & Fitness" Forums, and we all know that 9 times out of 10, new member posts added to these forums equate to nothing more than an avenue for them to peddle their nonsense.

One idea I have to help combat and shut-down new members with ill-intent, would be to have an auto-period where a new member could post, but all posts/entries would be held in limbo (not displayed on board) until said member reaches a minimum number of entries with integrity behind them (10-20 entries), at which time, Moderators could release their posts and grant the new member carte blanche to all.
Thanks for your suggestions, Aunt Marg. We do moderate posts from new members, but only suspicious posts. We try not to make it inconvenient for genuine new members. People join the forum and want to have instant interactions, it would be frustrating for them if they have to wait some time to have their posts visible publicly.
Thanks for your suggestions, Aunt Marg. We do moderate posts from new members, but only suspicious posts. We try not to make it inconvenient for genuine new members. People join the forum and want to have instant interactions, it would be frustrating for them if they have to wait some time to have their posts visible publicly.
I do understand your points, Matrix.