Before Doctors


Well-known Member
I have always thought that food is the best medicine
that anybody can have, except that we have forgot
what is good for what illness.

Before Doctors, there were men and women who knew
what helped all conditions, maybe one in every village,
they were probably called "Witch" or "Wizard", till that
name was twisted out of all proportion and became bad.

When some people still helped with their knowledge of
herbs and vegetables and infusions, they became known
as "Apothecary" or "Doctor". Then along came "Big Drug",
who took a simple medicine and studied it to find which
part was doing all the good, after which the decided that
they could make lots of it cheaper, synthetically, in the
beginning from "Coal Tar Extracts", nowadays from "Crude
Oil or Petroleum".

Now we are going full circle back to the food, for a long
time now the Supermarkets have been advocating that
we eat "5-a-day" of fruit and vegetables, their idea really
was to boost sales, though they did promote this as good
health if you did.

Now there was a very big article in the Daily Mail about the
food versus medicine debate.

Daily Mail Story Here.

This is an in depth article with examples of different people
with different illnesses and what they ate to find a cure.


There is NO drug that can substitute for a routine of proper diet and exercise. Probably 1/3rd of today's health issues and costs, etc., can be traced directly to a life of being a couch potato, and eating food of questionable value.
Now we are going full circle back to the food, for a long
time now the Supermarkets have been advocating that
we eat "5-a-day" of fruit and vegetables, their idea really
was to boost sales, though they did promote this as good
health if you did.

Now there was a very big article in the Daily Mail about the
food versus medicine debate.

Daily Mail Story Here.

This is an in depth article with examples of different people
with different illnesses and what they ate to find a cure.


Yup, and when grocery stores (supermarkets) take a more sensible approach to health than health-care providers, there's something very wrong with the health care system. And it seems it's only getting worse.
It seems that many doctors have come Full Circle...where pain is concerned. For 2 or 3 centuries, Laudanum...a derivative of Cocaine and Heroin...was the Magic solution to pain. Then, the addiction problems became a issue, so that stuff was banned. Now, it seems that doctors are prescribing more and more Opioids to anyone who comes in with something more serious than a hangnail. But I guess that keeps the Poppy farmers in Afghanistan happy.
