Bemused by the call for "Medicare for All"

The vast majority of problems afflicting our Medicare system isn't due to anyone at the government offices. It's due to private companies engaging in fraudulent activities and ripping off Medicare.

Medicare operates with about a 4% overhead while insurance companies often operate at 20% or more. I think some were as high as 25%. Legislation put a limit on it and I forget the exact number, but it's still way too high. Some of the insurance CEOs get paid upwards of 10 million dollars a year, and that's to increase profits, which they do by denying coverage.

I spent a few days in the hospital about five years ago, and before I was even released, insurance a-holes came to my room to talk about my coverage and to try to get me to agree to something, and that was while I was heavily sedated. Once I went home, every day I'd get another five or so bills in the mail.

Our health insurance system here sucks. The ACA helped a bit, but it's not nearly enough.
