Cancer Thrives in an Acidic Body


Endlessly Groovin'
I've heard for many years now that it's been proven that cancer thrives in an acidic environment. If you're body is more alkaline it's much healthier for you overall. Years back I bought some PH strips to check my alkalinity on a daily basis via the urine. Once I used up the roll of tape I didn't bother with it anymore, had an idea that I wasn't too acidic but needed to be aware of it.

Last night I was listening to a health researcher on the radio, Christopher Wilde. He was telling someone with cancer that as an alternative to treatments received, they could take daily two tablespoons of pure lemon juice with 1/3 tsp. of baking soda in a half glass of water. That would keep them alkaline.

Since I already use 1/2 tsp. of baking soda sometimes for heartburn at night, I decided to start doing this. I know myself though, so it'll be daily initially and then I'll slack off, as I do with my vitamins. Having a glass of the mixture right now, after my morning coffee. Doesn't taste bad, but I'm drinking it quickly.

Of course baking soda is high sodium, so if anybody has health issues like high blood pressure, any salt-free diets or taking prescription drugs that may be affected or intensified by citrus juice, you should talk to your doctor first before trying this.

Since I've had a couple of close family members die too early from cancer, I can't see this hurting me in my old age.

My answer to every ailment is Braggs, unfiltered, raw, with the mother Apple Cider Vinegar, I take 1 Tbsp in an 8 ounce cup of water before every meal (3 Tbsp s daily).

Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Among the ailments it’s said to cure are allergies, acne, high cholesterol, joint pain, weight loss, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, dandruff, chronic fatique, candida, sore throat, gum infection, sinus infection, flu, acid reflux, leg cramps and ear infections. It’s also used to help dissolve kidney stones, lower high blood pressure, and it’s also been shown to help with type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity.

Even though vinegar is acidic, when we take apple cider vinegar it has an alkaline effect in our bodies. The fact that apple cider vinegar causes our pH levels to become more alkaline could play a large part in it’s curative properties. It also reacts to some toxins in our bodies, converting them into less toxic substances. Our bodies need a slightly alkaline pH balance to be healthy. The typical Western diet creates an acidic pH in our bodies, and many health problems are attributed to this. Taking a tonic containing apple cider vinegar can help restore alkalinity, and therefore assist the body in getting rid of some of the health problems listed above.

I've been taking it for 16 months, my weight loss is 135 lbs, my BS is avg 85, my A1C is 4.6, my tumors markers are below 5. My HDL is normal, My triglycerides are low normal, my LDL is the only dark spot on my charts, but I cut out the 5 daily eggs - down to one boiled at night. My ALT/AST numbers are 20/21 - normal is 17-63/30-110 (fatty liver condition that my oncologist was watching).

No one in the medical field makes any money off it. No one recommends it. It has been used for over 3,000 years & costs about $6 a month for a personal supply. A little more than 6 cents a dose.

Correction on the amount of Apple Cider Vinegar I take it was a mistake, don't know what I was thinking but it wasn't right. The cost of the dosage was right, a 32 oz bottle is $6 - 96 doses or about one month's worth.
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That is excellent for health too SOP, I used to take it a lot, straight at first and then it burned too much going down so I started mixing it with tepid water. Big congratulations on your weight loss Son, that's excellent, something to be proud of...kudos! Sounds like you're really taking care of your health and have good results! :coolthumb: A little more info about it.

Vinegar is one of many foods created by bacteria and yeasts. Most vinegars start from crushed fruit or grains and exposed first to yeasts and later to bacteria. The yeast ferments the sugars in the fruit to create alcohol. Then, specific bacteria break down the alcohol to form acetic acid, the main component of vinegar.

Vinegar can be made from any fruit, many grains, and even wood chips! Starches are first converted to sugars to begin the fermentation process. The source will determine the vinegar result.

For instance, from apples, we get hard cider first and then apple cider vinegar. Grapes are made into wine and then wine vinegar. Balsamic vinegar is specially made from Trebbiano or Lambrusco grapes under delicate conditions.

Hops and barley are made into beer and then into malt vinegar (the starch converts to maltose). Rice is made into sake or rice wine and then rice vinegar. Distilled white vinegar is the most familiar and processed from common grains.

Other vinegars can be made from coconuts, pineapples, cactus fruits, and herbs along with a variety of sugar sources – molasses, sorghum, honey, beets, potatoes, melons, or maple syrup to get the process started.

The acids in apple cider vinegar improve digestion and deter the growth of disease-causing bacteria in the digestive tract. The minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium) bind to the acids and neutralize them when the digestive tract needs to be more alkaline.

Acetic acid is formed only by the Acetobacter family of bacteria. These bacteria are found everywhere in food, water, and soil and is naturally produced as fruits spoil. In humans and other primates, acetic acid is a component of the female ******, where it serves as an antibacterial.

The acetic acid content of vinegar will determine its use and varies according to the fruit or grain used to start with. Rice wine vinegar is quite mild with a low acid level making it a good choice for salad dressings. On the other end of the scale is distilled white vinegar which is highly acidic and suitable for making pickles. All other vinegars fall in between.

Malic acid, in particular, is the main digestive acid found in apple cider vinegar as well as in our own body cells. It has many health benefits, including boosting immunity, maintaining good oral health, reducing the risk of toxic heavy metals, and promoting good skin tone. Its most significant contribution is the ability to stimulate the metabolism and increase energy production.

The Mother

Homemade, or good quality vinegar, will have a thick, filmy substance floating in it. This is called the mother, which consists of cellulose as a result of interaction between the bacteria and the alcohol. Because the mother is a concentration of Acetobacter bacteria, it cannot be disturbed during the process and must float on the top to feed on oxygen. If it is moved, it will sink to the bottom and die thereby halting the vinegar process.

At one time, it was thought that this substance acted similar to a yogurt starter, but thoughts have changed. It is now known that the mother is the result of a process rather than the initiator, changing alcohol into vinegar. Since there are countless members of this family, no one particular strain can be counted on to make only one kind of vinegar.

While it may take several months for homemade vinegar to complete, industrial vinegar has speeded up the process by adding more surface area for oxygen to reach the bacteria. Unfortunately, vinegar manufacturers usually filter out the mother and any sediment to make their product more aesthetically pleasing. Doing so robs the product of its healthful qualities, which can be compared to refined flour versus whole grain flour.

Apple Cider Vinegar Nutrition

Apple cider vinegar is a concentration of acids, flavonoids, polyphenols, pectin, enzymes, minerals, and amino acids that form during fermentation. Scientists have found about 90 different substances in apple cider vinegar, including 13 kinds of carbolic acids, 4 aldehydes, 20 ketones, 18 types of alcohols, 8 ethyl acetates and much more.

Nutrients include:

  • Acids – acetic, isobutyric, lactic, malic, and propionic
  • Amino acids – the number and amount depends on its source with some having antioxidant properties.
  • Beta-carotene – helps prevent cancer and protects the body against damage caused by exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Boron – is found abundantly in fresh apples. It is a key mineral that assists other bone-building minerals also found in apple cider vinegar like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • Enzymes – are built from protein molecules and have many duties in the body. Those suffering from indigestion, gas, or bloating lack the essential digestive enzymes needed to digest food properly. Fresh apples are loaded with enzymes, which increase as vinegar is made. This is why it is important to buy apple cider vinegar with the mother. That way you know the precious enzymes and nutrients have not been destroyed in processing.
  • Magesium – is needed for bone health as well as for proper muscle function, including the heart where it can strengthen the beat and help normalize blood pressure.
  • Pectin – is a soluble fibre that can absorb water, toxins, and cholesterol in the digestive tract. Apple cider vinegar contains valuable pectin from the apples and will go a long way in improving heart health and regularity.
  • Potassium – is stripped from processed foods and replaced by sodium. To make matters worse, caffeine and sugar take what little is left in the diet because both act as diuretics, flushing valuable nutrients out of the body. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent source of potassium, giving roughly 100 mg per 3.5 ounces.
  • Tannins – are released from the crushed cells of the apple. Tannins are the red-gold plant chemicals that give plants and various fruits and vegetables their astringency. They are effective antioxidants that help to prevent spoilage.
  • Other – During both fermentation processes, many new plant chemicals are formed. As yet, many remain unidentified and no doubt will add to apple cider vinegar’s growing list of health-giving substances.

Pasted from <>

A vegan diet is also excellent for maintaining an alkaline body which explains why the health outcomes for heart disease, some cancers, obesity and diabetes are better than if you have a meat inclusive diet.

'.....Thus, diets featuring vegan proteins can be expected to lower elevated serum lipid levels, promote weight loss, and decrease circulating IGF-I activity. The latter effect should impede cancer induction (as is seen in animal studies with soy protein), lessen neutrophil-mediated inflammatory damage, and slow growth and maturation in children. In fact, vegans tend to have low serum lipids, lean physiques, shorter

stature, later puberty, and decreased risk for certain prominent 'Western' cancers; a vegan diet has documented clinical efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis. Low-fat vegan diets may be especially protective in regard to cancers linked to insulin resistance--namely, breast and colon cancer--as well as prostate cancer; conversely, the high IGF-I activity associated with heavy ingestion of animal products may be largely responsible for the epidemic of 'Western' cancers in wealthy societies.......'
