Creatures of the deep sea

Paco Dennis

After a journey of several hours, your robot submarine has reached the deep ocean where light can no longer penetrate. It is pitch black outside, and the temperature is near freezing. The pressure outside the sub is intense and it seems as if nothing could survive here. But as you peer out the window of you sub, you notice that the darkness is penetrated occasionally by brief flashes of light. This is bioluminescence, produced by the creatures that inhabit the shadowy realm of the deep sea.

A few of my favorites




I love the sea and all it has to hold. Even now after 60+ years of fishing I feel a bit excited to see what comes up on the end of my line. An amazing place!
A great thing to see, swimming in the Gulf of Mexico on moonless nights far from artificial lighting is an incredible experience. Surrounded by the bioluminescence and setting it off with every movement. Something everyone should experience at least once.

I was working on a tramp steamer, heading south in the Atlantic and we had just crossed the equator. Woke in the middle of the night to use the head. When I flushed, the bowl was filled with bioluminescence - like a bunch of lightening bugs congregating and all lit up at once...
