Does anyone apart from me use a wii fitness board ???


Margate England

I have heard of a Wii before; but until I watched the video that you shared, Greyson, I have never seen what one looks like or how they work. I can see that it would be really helpful for a person who wanted an at-home exercise program.
I have really bad balance; so I am pretty sure that I could not manage to stand on that little pad and try to do any of the things that the video shows.
I have been reading about how much rebounding can help with exercise and keeping the lymph system working right; so I got one of the mini-trampolines, and it had a bar that I can hold on to for balance. I only do basic rebounding on it, none of the more advanced exercises.
I've had a wii fit for years... used to play ten pin bowling on it...and Tennis and the cycling one, can't remember what it was called.. Got bored with it pretty quickly, and it now lies in a cupboard unloved lol.... I think people either love them or hate them...
