Does your significant other go to stores with you?


I had the fastest trip to a store in record. I asked my husband if he'd go with me to Burlington. Boy, did I make a mistake in asking him. I have never been pushed and hurried to shop in less than 30 minutes!!! :mad:

I started having a strange stomach pain (probably the beginnings of an ulcer) and my neck got stiff! Then he makes me try on these coats/jackets. They were HUGE and one was a size small. I couldn't get my arms in the size small.

He was grabbing things without even looking at them, i.e. toys for the kids.

I will NEVER ask him to go with me to a store ~ again! I learned my lesson.

I came home to dig out my cervical collar and my neck feels much better. I am glad I saved it all of these years.

I wanted to see the Halloween yard decorations but only saw a blur. Yes, he is a fast driver. Saw many children Trick or Treating in the $1,000,000+ home neighborhoods (gates were open). cervical-collar-serpentine[1].jpg

That's not me, but that is like the collar I am presently wearing.

hurried to shop in less than 30 minutes!!! :mad:
You’re lucky you get that long.

The Spousal Equivalent is an "in-the-store-get-what-you-came-for-and-get-out" type. No leisurely wandering around. We seldom go shopping together.
It’s part of the male gene. My DH has it.

Because there are some areas I can’t drive, we co-ordinate me being dropped off. I’ve never had to shop so fast in my life. He would take me someplace if I asked. When Covid settles down I may start taking a bus in one direction. I don’t really mind it.
My husband loves to go shopping. Take as much time as you need, he says, and then he carries everything to the car. He once bought me a set of Le Creuset cookware, and managed to get it to the car in one trip. I didn't know about it at the time. It was a Christmas gift, and I had been banished to another store so it would be a surprise.

He especially loves malls, the bigger, the better.

I do not like going shopping.
WE go shopping to buy stuff=a hammer, food, then depart.

We do not find the shelves of gi-gafs attractive, nor do we want to wander around finding that illusive item.

We do not belong here, we do not live here, we cannot relax until were home bound, we would not have come unless it was necessary.

We do not stop to chat with sales clerks, we do not pay attention to the clowns giving away free samples.

We need a beer and a tv, please leave us in peach.

Yes, we are bears, you know it-why do you torture us?

Does your significant other go to stores with you?

'Significant Other'.

Well, to me, that's a new way of describing someone, and I'm thinking, "I know, I'll be modern like all the young seniors on here, I'll abbreveate it to 'Siggy O'."

I went over the road to the lovely lady, who on occasion kindly cooks me tasty dinners, that I happily scoff, and said, "Are you my Siggy O?"

"What are you going on about, you daft sod, are you on 'wacky backy', and look, you've just walked mud all over my kitchen floor, go on, sod off, Siggy O, whatever next?"

I think romance is on it's last legs. 😊
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I park near the shopping cart corral, shop right to left, list in hand, skip all isles that don't have something that's on the list, get in either a) the shortest check-out line; or b) line with the fastest cashier, and avoid looking at the Red Box as I pass under the Exit sign like a swift, gentle breeze.

Michelle doesn't do any of those things. Also, if that store doesn't have precisely what she's looking for, she'll purchase all the stuff she happened to stumble upon, load that in the car, and go to another one to look for it!
We go together when it is necessary like for a big purchase, i.e, tv or fridge. If it is something he wants or needs, we go to the store he looks and tries on and gets what he likes or he orders tech stuff online. He doesn't do grocery shopping but lets me know what to pick up but I have a son who works nights stocking shelves and he know where everything is. Most of the time I do all the other shopping (for the house) in store or online.
I park near the shopping cart corral, shop right to left, list in hand, skip all isles that don't have something that's on the list, get in either a) the shortest check-out line; or b) line with the fastest cashier, and avoid looking at the Red Box as I pass under the Exit sign like a swift, gentle breeze.

Michelle doesn't do any of those things. Also, if that store doesn't have precisely what she's looking for, she'll purchase all the stuff she happened to stumble upon, load that in the car, and go to another one to look for it!
I'm going to let you in on a personal trick of mine and I don't think there is another person on this planet who's figured it out yet. You know those long queues that we all try to avoid? Yeah. Well, I take a closer look at them and often the queue is long only because there are 2, 3, and even 4 friends in a clump but only one is actually purchasing anything. And sometimes it's a woman with a pram who's taking 3 or 4 places. So, once the woman with the pram or the only one in the clump makes his/her purchase the queue shrinks like testicles in ice water! (y)
