English in England


I am always OK ...the trouble is "the others"
It is surprising how language changes within 90 miles radius in England
Taking It from Midlands for instance for a simple phrase (Ao Am Yao Ar Kid?) to 90 miles North (Hoo’s ya fettle?) to 90 miles south (How do you do? Old Boy) they all mean the same. .....funny

could you please explain that treeguy ?
all countries have dialects even different states as you well know ~!
look at the time signature at 1.08 minutes of the following clip
my twin boys when they were 5 knew the song "Get me to the church on time" with all its bells and whistles
In this corner of the world, the locals (mainly the older ones) speak a dialect called Doric.
"Fit like?" , "Ave, chavvin awa" = How are you? Oh, struggling on.
More often you just say "Aye aye" which passes for "Hello, how are you".
A Loon is a young man and a Quine is a young lady.
