Hospital Equipment/ Gurney's/beds. trays/platforms What do you think?


Well-known Member
We are generally in hospital because we are not well or to have a procedure and we are not made to feel more comfortable by laying on short, hard Gurneys. X Ray / Cat Scan/ Ultra Sound platforms that we are made to lie on are torture devices invented by deranged individuals. I have been discharged from the hospital now for five days and have all kinds of aches and pains from being made to lay on these devices.

We are generally in hospital because we are not well or to have a procedure and we are not made to feel more comfortable by laying on short, hard Gurneys. X Ray / Cat Scan/ Ultra Sound platforms that we are made to lie on are torture devices invented by deranged individuals. I have been discharged from the hospital now for five days and have all kinds of aches and pains from being made to lay on these devices.

I can explain the hard surfaces when you get an MRI or have to lie down for an X-ray; it's for clarity. The firmness ensures the absence of artifact obstructions and that your bones and innards are in the most favorable alignment. Unfortunately, it's necessary for the most accurate images possible.
