How did shingles get ripped up and turned upside down

Yesterday morning I looked out the back window to see a strip of roofing shingles look like they were bent back and flipped over. We did not have any strong wind (I checked weatherunderground for this area and there was no wind or gusts over 8 MPH). Also no tree branches have come down. I am mystified.

porch roof edge.jpg

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Coons. Do you have raccoons in your area and is there access to the roof? If you 'google' animals causing damage to roof you'll find out about all kinds of critters. For me, it's coons, but could be other little beasties in your area.
Yeah, a LOT of wildlife including skunks, possums, chipmunks and untold gray squirrels (although chippies are ground animals and too small to do this, I think).

I would also suspect raccoons. They pulled up the metal flashing (I think it's called that) on the roof of our previous house, and got into the attic that way. They scratched around and moved the insulation. My husband couldn't push the metal down. He had to hammer it down and fasten it with nails. They are strong little buggers.
