How do you appreciate age?

I'm rather enjoying my age finally. I am talking about being my actual age not necessarily my circumstances at the moment.
I've been asked what my favorite age was. It was 36. Again, not because of what was happening in my life, but that, to me, was an age where I was finally becoming comfortable in my own skin, knowing myself better, developing a real emotional maturity.

I’m grateful for inheriting good genes. I feel pretty good, in fact sometimes I feel more fit than I was in my twenties. I’m definitely stronger. I’ve adopted a healthy way of life without compromising on enjoyment. I’ve travelled a lot in the last ten years which has fulfilled a lifetime ambition, and once this virus is beaten, I’ll be back out there with bells on!

Saying whatever one chooses is having the good sense of choosing words wisely. I am better in tune with myself and the world in which I live in a definite advantage than in my youth. I make healthy and better decisions based on current conditions than in my younger years. I do not hurry to grow up because I am grown up. I am wise and experienced in life far more than before and my sense of humor is fully intact.
Think you have to work on yourself more when you age... both mentally and physically. In order to not get cynical or judgmental or hard boiled mentally by examining our thoughts for positivity that keeps you young and softer and kinder to both yourself and others and taking care of yourself physically goes without saying...paying more attention to what might need looking after.

We're kind of like young and old houses. When houses are new or young and something goes wrong you can fix it when you eventually get around to it and get away with that; when we are old, we're like old houses when something needs attention, you need to see to it as soon as you can or the problems tend to build up.
You appreciate age by realizing what the alternative is to not getting any older....that would be death. I know several people who feel blessed to wake up each morning. I know others who don't look their ages and are living their best lives right now. I have a couple of health issues but I count myself among those I just referred to.
