How Jasmine is Doing Now


Since her best friend for all of her life is gone now I have been very concerned about her. She is a remarkable little birdie, though, as she entertains herself with her toys and new perched mirror, sings and listens to the nature bird "music" I play for her all day and seems interested in being better friends with me. When there are 2 birds I have found they aren't usually that interested in the humans. When there is only one bird, I have found they become more interested in the humans. I have been talking to her a lot and telling her I understand how she must feel now and just chat to her a lot and sing to her, too. I think she is doing okay now.

Here she is today on top of her home:


we just lost our little skeetie and teecee...15 and 17 years old...we have one little dog now...peaches who is 10....these are very difficult times now....
i understand your dilemma...we are trying to help her and us
I'm sorry for your losses. It takes time for things to get better and I hope they get better for you all. Thank you for your understanding..things seem to be getting better slowly but surely..the pets all need a lot of love.
