Mass Shooting In Richmond, VA After A High School Graduation Ceremony


New Jersey
This has gotten to be just too much! :cry:😡🤬 What should have been a joyous celebration turned into, as the reporter said, "a nightmare". These young people and their families should have been able to remember their graduation with happiness and pride, not like this! Two people died, an 18 year old graduate and a 36 year old man. The shooter is in custody.

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I had heard about this and was saddened to hear this morning that two of the victims had died. It says second degree murder charges. This sounds like first degree to me. No motive yet. No matter the charges, the victims still remain.

Sounds like the 19 year old had a beef with the 18 year old? If not drug/gang related the pos suspect never moved on after they graduated high school(If they graduated)

There are certain lines one shouldn't cross legal or not just as certain things should be off limits to gangsters including formal gatherings like graduations, funerals, weddings etc. But they are not. These pos murderers have no honor yet if you violate their "code" it's considered disrespect punishable by death.

RIP victims and speedy recovery to wounded
