Meatloaf Recipe. This is a keeper.

Coleman's Hot English Mustard has been a pantry staple of mine for years. I add a touch to many recipes for a touch more heat.
My Coleman's doesn't say "Hot." Neither does my McCormick's. I think they are just regular mustard powders that you use as any other spice, unless there are variants out there. It's the specific process of making the specific mustard that releases the heat (and you modify the process to attain specific heat levels). You can make regular ol' "kid friendly" yellow hot dog mustard with it.

My Coleman's doesn't say "Hot." Neither does my McCormick's. I think they are just regular mustard powders that you use as any other spice, unless there are variants out there. It's the specific process of making the specific mustard that releases the heat (and you modify the process to attain specific heat levels). You can make regular ol' "kid friendly" yellow hot dog mustard with it.
Try mixing up a small batch just a tablespoon or two of Colman's and give it a try. 🔥

Combine equal parts of Colman’s and a liquid such as water, wine, vinegar, beer, milk or cream. Let the mixture stand for ten minutes, for the full flavor to develop.

Jeremiah James Colman was once asked how he had made such a vast fortune from the sale of mustard.

His reply was: “I make my money from the mustard that people throw away on the sides of their plate”.
