Memorial Day, May 31, 2021

in memory of all the people who've had to die because of covid. all the vets that lost their lives so that we could be free. all the children of the world who have died at the hands of family and others. to all our loved ones that have gone on before us.


We went to see 500 flags and the travelling Vietnam Memorial Wall here in Fort Collins yesterday. They are continually reading the names-quite an experience of rememberance.
The traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall came to our dusty little desert town in 2019, was a nice event and turnout was enormous.


They gave each Vietnam Veteran a sticker to put on their truck

In Washington, D.C. I saluted the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the WW2 memorial, which has a beautiful sprinkling pool inside it, the WW1 memorial, and the Korean war memorial.

Visited Arlington National Cemetery, beautiful landscape, and of course the Tomb of the unknown soldier.
