My onions were a little too 'oniony'


Senior Member
for the chicken salad I wanted to make but remembered an old trick from years ago. Soak chopped onion in a little milk for about 20 minutes. Drain, shake dry and add to recipe. Flavor remained but did not overpower other ingredients.

I make a very simple chicken salad based on the deli recipe from a supermarket near where I used to live in VA - Ukrop's White Chicken Salad. Nothing but lightly poached s&b chicken breast that was allowed to cool in its own broth. Drain and large-ish dice. Add chopped celery and onion, seasoned salt and Dukes mayo. Amounts? Eyeball about half as much each of onion and celery as chicken. A very forgiving recipe so make it to personal taste.

Sounds good!

Ukrop's grew up and is now available at the local Wegman's.

