Putting computer in sleep/standby mode

A friend of mine put her computer in sleep mode when she was going to be away for an hour or two so she wouldn't have to go through shutdown and re-booting. Afterwards, she couldn't wake it up. After hearing this, I amd dubious about using that feature. I often have to be away. If I leave it on more than 10 minutes, the HD goes crazy, but I also don't want it to get stuck in sleep mode.

I've got mine set to go into "sleep" mode after 1 hour, and the monitor shuts down after 10 minutes. It works good....when I want to start it up, a simple click on the mouse brings it back to life. Are you using W10, and do you keep it, and all your other drivers, etc., updated???

I leave my computer on 24/7. If there is a problem, and so far there rarely is, I reboot. I also have Windows7. As a matter of fact, I only had problems when Microsoft was interfering with updates. Now that they don't, things are much better. So far.
Windows 7 was a popular OS. I am reluctant to chage because I've heard it has a lot of bugs. Also because I am so used to it and I don't like change, especially where I have to learn something new.
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I have mine set to go into sleep mode after 3 hours and a few times have been having problems with getting it to come out but it corrected itself only lasting about a minute with the problem.

And I am working with Windows 10.
Windows 7 is no longer being updated so any known security issues will never be fixed and hackers could take advantage of them.. but you can take your chances and keep using it if you wish.

I never shut my computer down I always use sleep mode or just lock the screen.
Windows 7 was a popular OS. I am reluctant to chage because I've hear it has a lot of bugs. Also becasuse I am so used to it and I don't like change, especially where I have to learn something new.
I loved using Win 7 pro but when software updates quit coming, I bit the bullet to learn Win 10 which isn't bad as I thought it would be.

In technology, change is constant and we have to adjust whether we like it or not.
Windows 7 was a popular OS. I am reluctant to chage because I've hear it has a lot of bugs. Also becasuse I am so used to it and I don't like change, especially where I have to learn something new.
Hi,I had a HP Windows 7 computer for 8 yrs never updated it when Windows 10 1st came out,because like you,didn't like change ,updates took forever to upload
After doing some research and on Ken's suggestion,I bought a Chrome laptop at Best Buy a yr ago
The 'geek squad' tech transferred my Gmail acct into the lap top,no more Windows.It took me couple days to adjust to a smaller screen,my computer was 20 inch laptop is 14 inch
I suggest you look into buying a laptop Sue
