rehab old movies

I have two cd’s with old family movies on them-originally beginning in the 1950’s on 8mm-

about 35 or 40 years ago I had them put on vhs tape and after that had the tapes converted to cd’s -two of them where they remain. Problem is the viewing quality has degraded for various reasons - was not that good to begin with, aging various conversions techniques etc.
Does anyone know of a restoration, rehabilitation service that is a affordable that can clean these two cd ’s up and enhance the viewability of them…??

thank you so much as you know a search on the net will result in who knows what? Much prefer someone with personal experience with same.

Do you still have the original movies? Are they 8mm or Super 8mm? I bought a converter that converts my movies (Super 8mm) onto a memory card and then I upload it to my computer and burn them onto a DVD.

I am still learning the process myself, but don’t quite have the knowledge to be able to do it without having to go back over it a few times. IOW, it has been a challenge and a bit tricky, but I am getting better at it.

I think I paid around $400.00 for the converter.
