Retirement coach

I of course have done that daily. Can’t get a straight answers. I figured if someone actually received it would be the best information. Several that aren’t on Social Security have received it but that’s it.

I feel you. But why would you not expect to get something that as a US citizen you are entitled to. I’m sure you have paid taxes your entire life and the country is suffering so this is a give back to help the economy.

Lifespan after retiring is a consideration, health another. And left out is the reality of hours in a day. Eating, lets say 1 & 1/2 hours including prep & clean up. Bathing/showering 1/2 hour. 8 hours of sleep. that leaves 14 hours a day or a little over 1/3 of your day doing what you could normally be doing. Or looking at it another way suppose lifespan is 21 years after retiring you really have only 14 years doing what you have time for.

Planning can help a person live their best life after retiring. Married 58 years, retired 25 years. Planning paid off for us so I recommend planning.
Congrats on the longevity in your marriage and retirement!
