Retirement isn't looking too good lol

I retired early in April 2016 due to my own autoimmune diseases. Was not what I had planned as wasn't financially ready. Very shortly thereafter, I realized my husband was in the early stages of dementia. My father died of it so I well knew the signs. My husband had shown signs for the past 3 years, I just didn't see it because I was at work fulltime. But hindsight being 20/20, I realized this had started some time ago.

Well, got him into a neuro last fall and short of an autopsy, there's no way to tell which kind of dementia. It doesn't really make any difference as it's all treated the same in the early stages. If that wasn't enough on my plate (as neuro said he needed close supervision), I had a mild stroke 3 weeks ago. Fortunately, my deficits aren't too bad; I have about 90% usage of my left side but some blurry vision. I was very lucky in that it could have been much worse.

This has been a wake up call for me to stop smoking, which I've done for 48 years. I've not had a smoke in 10 days. Damn, it's rough as I want to give in but I know smoking is probably what caused the stroke. I need to be healthy to take care of my husband.....not physically at this point, but administratively......order mail order scripts, schedule dr. appts, hair appts, take care of our bills, etc. If I had ended up paralyzed, I wouldn't be able to do that, which is why I believe it was a 'wake up call'.

This is not the retirement that either of us had in mind.....

Has anyone here survived a stroke and stopped smoking too?

I have not had a stroke but I did quit smoking about 10 years ago using Chantix. The first month was really tough and after that it was just plain annoying for the first year. Stick with it and in a few more weeks you will be an ex smoker.

Good luck!!!
Sorry to hear about your health issues and your husband Shedevil, you have a lot of worries for sure. Kudos for giving up the smokes, it's the best thing you can do for yourself. I haven't had a stroke, but I quit smoking over 30 years ago and don't regret a day of it. Take care....hugs.
