
Yes, I do. Even had laser surgery for it. $300 a pop, and loads of $$ for face crap. Looked nice, not new, and found out it lasts only so long and start all over again. Decided not worth it. Funny story, told my husband what I was doing, and naturally he wasn't paying attention. The day I had it done, my face was so swollen and red that the area below my eyes
(where the dark circles are) we're sp puffy I could see them when I looked forward. Anyway, we sit down to eat, my husband drops his fork and says, "what the hell, we need to rush you to the ER!" Instill chuckle about it and his reaction, even though he was told ahead of time.
Yes, I do. Even had laser surgery for it. $300 a pop, and loads of $$ for face crap. Looked nice, not new, and found out it lasts only so long and start all over again. Decided not worth it. Funny story, told my husband what I was doing, and naturally he wasn't paying attention. The day I had it done, my face was so swollen and red that the area below my eyes
(where the dark circles are) we're sp puffy I could see them when I looked forward. Anyway, we sit down to eat, my husband drops his fork and says, "what the hell, we need to rush you to the ER!" Instill chuckle about it and his reaction, even though he was told ahead of time.

Get him the tshirt that says, "My wife said I never listen to least I think that's what she said."
I think a lot of skin conditions are associated with food intolerances. Food intolerances are different from food allergies, are not as severe and are more difficult to determine. One method described is an elimination diet. I read J.J. Virgin's book, The Virgin Diet, after catching her spiel on PBS and followed it a few years back and discovered a few things I have problems with (MSG and high fructose corn syrup as best I could tell). It's worth looking into but I got to tell you it isn't all that easy to do. You have to really want to. That said, there is nothing but good things that can happen from being better educated about that subject if you are having skin problems.
I am trying to eliminate various foods dpwspringer, as you say it's not easy and there's no quick fix, I'll see if I can get a copy of that book as well, thanks
Thanks but I'm not in the USA debbie, when I googled Procesa pictures of cakes showed up !
