Tap Water vs. Dasani Water


Well-known Member
Houston, Texas
I bought a bottle of Dasani water with my lunch today and decided to read the label. It contains some info. I copied here:
"Purified water enhanced with minerals for a pure fresh taste." (I wonder what it tastes like without those minerals)
Contents: "Salt, magnesium sulfate, potassium, chloride, minerals for taste" (again)
"Up to 30% made from plants" (hm-m-m)
"Bottled under the authority of the Coca Cola Company"

My conclusion: How much for a glass of tap water?

"Bottled water" has become almost a necessity for many living in some of our cities. The combination of aged infrastructure(lead in the pipes, etc,), and the agricultural runoff from farmlands, has made the water in some locales almost hazardous. The city water plants have to go to extreme measures to make that stuff drinkable. Here, any cities that draw their water from the Missouri/Mississippi rivers are almost using flowing sewage as their basis for supply.

The makers of this bottled water do add some chemicals in order to give the water some taste....if a person just wanted "hydration", they would probably be better off buying gallon jugs of distilled water, and filling their own containers.

As I travel around the area, and sample what comes out of the local water fountains, there are times I almost have to spit that stuff out, due to the excessive taste of chlorine, etc.

We're lucky in that we have excellent well water, high in mineral content, and an excellent taste. I do have to run a water softener to keep from clogging up the sink and shower heads, but when I take a sample to the state health department, every 2 or 3 years, they usually make some comment about wishing their city water was as clean and healthy as our well water.
I keep bottled water for company, because they think it's better. But I learned something interesting:
I bought a "Zero Water Filter Pitcher." That particular brand comes with a battery-powered water tester that provides the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) in any water. There are different levels in each city. The instructions say to change the filter when the tester reads 6.
I stuck the tester in tap water - it read 182.
I stuck the tester in Arrowhead & Sparkletts water - it read 262 & 195.
I stuck the tester in water after it went through the filter - it read 0. After 3 months, the filtered water read 12.

It also removes medical waste, chlorine, lead, mercury. And the water does taste as good as bottled water.
The filters are $15.00 each, so I'm not sure if there is any cost savings, but at least the water is good & makes great coffee!!

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I have no choice but to drink bottled water. The water pipes in the place I live are atleast 120 years old and probably lead pipe. Smells like fish and eggs and is brown in the morning when I turn on the faucet.
tap water is usually pretty gross around here. i prefer bottled. distilled is my fave.
