The connections we share

Our being is connected with the large and small...

I love animals more than people. My dog is a great conversationlist and will turn her head this way and that, trying to catch my words. She barks, snuffles, whines, and grumbles when she wants things, and will ignore me completely when she doesn't get her own way. Yesterday she brought out two toys from her box and gave them to me...she clearly thought I needed something to do!
I love animals more than people. My dog is a great conversationlist and will turn her head this way and that, trying to catch my words. She barks, snuffles, whines, and grumbles when she wants things, and will ignore me completely when she doesn't get her own way. Yesterday she brought out two toys from her box and gave them to me...she clearly thought I needed something to do!
My dog is my emotional support animal and best friend. She does some of those things only she has a very faint whine you can barely hear. She's so cool!
Have been very well versed in the Edgar Cayce readings for over 5 decades. Holistic medicine is a physical cornerstone of metaphysics I believe. This could be a wonderful thread, so uplifting and healing.
Such a great idea!
take it away and start one on your topic heh!! - I for one would be interested??

I was going to the post office a few mos. ago and noticed a stick bug clinging to my car antenna. His little legs were coming loose one by one as I drove and the wind hit him. I found a place to pull over and went around to get him off the antenna. It was as if he knew I was rescuing him. When I touched him he turned loose of the antenna. I sat him down in the grass and drove away, and don't ask me why, but it kind of left tears in my eyes.
