uses of coconut oil

I use MCT oil supplements for memory and tremor stabilization. I heard coconut oil (MCT) is used for hair growth of which I tried this morning, I like the results.

Coconut oil is a healthy fat containing medium chain fatty acids that help raise good cholesterol.

It helps decrease appetite to lower weight

It’s great for skin and hair . I use it on my hair sometimes to pre- poo or for scrunching in my ends.

Combined with sugar and crushed coffee beans, it makes an excellent exfoliant that quickly reduces cellulite.

It’s a great brain food and is currently been studied in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and epilepsy.

It’s also linked to heart disease prevention.

Lauric acid makes up 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil and are anti bacterial and anti fungal.

May protect your hair skin and teeth while offering some sun screen protection. ( about 20 % )

Organic, virgin coconut oil over refined versions. There are much more benefits.

I personally love coconut oil. It smells so nice with vanilla bean too.
