Was your mom or dad the more easy-going parent?

Neither one was very strict. My father though was very easy going even though my mother would threaten us with the famous line, "wait till your father gets home!" I'd laugh to myself because he was never mad at me or even yelled at me. My brother, well he usually had no choice with him.
My dad was a fun-loving guy. He was happy to watch a ballgame on TV or play games. My mom was a real whip-cracker, though. If things weren't progressing to her satisfaction, she could really get severe. She thought fun-and-games were a waste of time. I'm happy I took after dad in that respect. I always wondered what they ever saw in each other being so opposite in personalities.
Mom was a straight-up beeatch, verbally abusive with a black heart.....Dad walked on water to me....was my saving grace....
Their characters and personalities all switched when I was an adult and they became the other one, unbelievable!
They were hardly around, having to work. Dad worked, 6/7 days a week. Mom was easy-going with us. Occasionally, Dad's bad temper would flare up. Mom said it was due to "shell shock" from the war .. I don't know about that.
Mom was a straight-up beeatch, verbally abusive with a black heart.....Dad walked on water to me....was my saving grace....
Their characters and personalities all switched when I was an adult and they became the other one, unbelievable!
The first part sounds familiar. When I became an adult, though, my father somehow took on her 'character and personality,' so then I had both of them to try to deal with. It was quite a shock.
Looking back on it now and knowing the upbringing some of my old friends had, my parents were firm but easy going, however, mom was a stay-at-home mom and chief disciplinarian, and when provoked, she didn't hesitate in administering a spanking.

Siblings and I were expected to do very little in and around the home, though being the oldest I did a lot. We were expected to hang up our school clothes, bring dirty clothes and any washing we had downstairs and put it into the laundry basket or washing machine, and take out the garbage when asked (without complaining).
Dad was strict but fair. Mom was terribly abused as a child and compensated by being extremely kind and gentle with my brother and I. They made a deal with us. If we did something wrong and we told them, we didn't get punished. Instead we got a lecture that was revisited almost every night at dinner for several weeks. But, they always gave us credit for our honesty.
Mom was a bit tense, worked up, blow up with little notice
I felt a rather sorry for her, so stayed away as much as I could, as I might have been the cause

Dad was pretty happy go lucky
Whenever I got into trouble with mom, she'd do the 'wait until your dad gets home'
Dad would get home
Had to pretend to be mean and mad

Later in life, he told me he wished she'd just whipped him
He also told me he wished he hadn't divorced her
'I shoulda been tougher with her....I think I coulda taken her in a fair fight'

I left home early for many reasons, mostly mine
I loved both equally
It's just that Mom pretty much shirked off any demonstration of affection
Tough ol' bird
But, I loved her so

No complaints
Hey, they had to raise me
What a sad poster that is.

Wish I could pick that middle child up in the poster and give him a big warm hug.

Happy to say such never happened in our home, as I always made everyone feel wanted, needed, and part of whatever it was that I felt they should be a part of.
My Dad was a gentle Precious man,who never even raised his voice to us. My Mom on the other hand always carried a wooden spoon. Lucky for me my older sister would stand in front of me to protect me from the spoon even though I did something wrong. My sister knew my Mom would never hit her because she was my Mom's favorite.
Nothing chaps my bottom-end worse that child/family favouritism! :mad:
I felt like that when my baby brother came along. I was the youngest of 3 sisters. He was 7 yrs. younger than me. Up till then, I was "Daddy's Girl".
When a new baby came along in our house, I had all of the older kids running for this and that from morning until night! LOL!

I left no one out, and at the end of each day would thank everyone for all of their much needed help, reiterating to them that mommy wouldn't possibly be able to do it all without them.

Everyone got a chance at holding the baby and doing bottle-feeding.
