What is the key trait of an evil person?


Senior Member
Yeah my threads are too psychology driven i know.
Im thinking the key trait of a really evil person is cold bloodedness. Lack of empathy.
which rules me out? 😂
id like to think so but maybe not. 😂
guess im pointing to serious crims like serial killers.

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Yeah my threads are too psychology driven i know.
Im thinking the key trait of a really evil person is cold bloodedness. Lack of empathy.
which rules me out? 😂
id like to think so but maybe not. 😂

I like talking about psychology.

As to the answer to your question, just look up sociopath and psychopath.

Mostly though evil is as evil does.

So, if you're worried about yourself in those terms, just think about anything you've done that fits those terms.
avoidance then?
Excuse me?
Avoidance then?
Are you suggesting I’m evil? Lol

It’s not really a subject I’d like to fully explore.
Key trait of an evil person?

Who gets to state who is evil or who is not?
I don’t think God judges us that harshly.

From my understanding of what others refer to as evil, it appears that its from a lack of understanding human psychology because I don’t think people are born evil.

What’s the definition of evil anyway?
The question is just too vague for me to answer.
People are more complex than good / bad/ evil in my opinion.
Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, just a few of the evil people I can think of. What do they have in common? A total lack of respect for human life. Pretty simple and horrific.
What is the key trait of an evil person?

Zero feelings

They can talk about offing someone with less emotion than how the dry cleaners treated their laundry, and in the same breath
i wonder does that same trait make them an effective soldier in some contexts. like getting information from an enemy soldier thru torture.
I'm not qualified to define it, but I can think of examples that typify it.
The absence of feeling a common cause with other people.
A willingness to sacrifice other people's well being for one's own agenda.
The absence of remorse after increasing other people's suffering.
The taking of pleasure in inflicting suffering onto other people.
And, oh yes, doing all this stuff willfully, knowing what one is doing and choosing to do it.
Giving oneself to wickedness is a deliberate choice, that may be the contrast between evil and being a sociopath. Although the two are willing bedfellows........
I'm not qualified to define it, but I can think of examples that typify it.
The absence of feeling a common cause with other people.
A willingness to sacrifice other people's well being for one's own agenda.
The absence of remorse after increasing other people's suffering.
The taking of pleasure in inflicting suffering onto other people.
And, oh yes, doing all this stuff willfully, knowing what one is doing and choosing to do it.
Giving oneself to wickedness is a deliberate choice, that may be the contrast between evil and being a sociopath. Although the two are willing bedfellows........
i thought you were describing my boss there for a while. 😆😀
I'm not qualified to define it, but I can think of examples that typify it.
The absence of feeling a common cause with other people.
A willingness to sacrifice other people's well being for one's own agenda.
The absence of remorse after increasing other people's suffering.
The taking of pleasure in inflicting suffering onto other people.
And, oh yes, doing all this stuff willfully, knowing what one is doing and choosing to do it.
Giving oneself to wickedness is a deliberate choice, that may be the contrast between evil and being a sociopath. Although the two are willing bedfellows........
i wonder does that same trait make them an effective soldier in some contexts
I do believe it does
I can only talk about personal experience
Had coffee with a hired gun
A very decorated hire gun
Thing is, he could talk about his goings on while having toast and jam, and in the same breath express his disdain of the dry cleaner's inability to get a blood stain off his sleeve.
A bit disturbing
Thinking of an evil person I know some of her traits are caring only for herself,lying to people to make them think she is a good person and being very cold to most people,and hoping they aren't happy.
in my opinion the last trait is the worst.
not wishing others well is awful when you think about it. even i am not fond of my current boss if i were to pray he goes to Hell, I am more likely to end up there myself. 😀
Pleasure in watching other people suffer, either physically, mentally or emotionally. Also, watching animals suffer for that matter. The really evil person will create the suffering themselves for amusement.

I had an experience with a dentist who was exactly as you describe - creating suffering for his own pleasure. It almost cost him....big time.
I never knew any doctor could be like that, but I did a lot of research & found that some people are drawn to the medical profession because they enjoy seeing people suffer. And it's quite common for them to create more suffering themselves.
