What was your favorite candy or treat when you were a kid?


Well-known Member
Mine was when we went to visit my Uncle..and he gave us money..to go to the ice cream shop
"down the street"(the ole fashioned ice cream shop)...and we got "home-made" hand-dipped ice cream cone...it was the first I tried
French Vanilla..and "loved it" ❤️🤗

Mint Cracknel.. it was a peppermint chocolate bar which was very brittle... also loved Mint pacers.. they were the mint equivalent of Starburst ..neither exists today..

course we rarely had enough mney fr either of those, instead we would more likely have a penny.. and we'd get 4 blackjacks or fruit salads...or a sherbet dip...
We didn't eat a lot of candy unless it was a special occasion. Halloween was the best! My mom allowed us to keep all of our candy, and of course we had eaten it within three days. My favorite was a soft peanut butter candy that was wrapped in either black or orange paper. When I was a mother, I did the same with my children, only this time I was the only mother I knew who didn't dole it out a few pieces a day.

Sometimes I bought candy with my allowance, which was 25 cents a week, but usually I was saving up for something I wanted more. I have no memory of my favorite candies, except for the peanut butter things.
I loved and still do like Sugar Daddy caramel lollipops, Bonomos Turkish taffy and Neccos. I would give my dad the chocolate Neccos because I thought they had a washed out flavor and I thought the pink ones tasted just like Pepto Bismol yet those were my favorite,

You can still buy these candies but the size isn't as big as they were in the 50s.
I doubt there is enough candy in the wrapper to rip out a filling in your tooth which I did a couple if times.
Favorite candy bar was always a Zero Bar.
Haven't had one in years; might have to grab one next time I fill up the car...
I only learned about Zero bars about 10 years ago and abso. love them! There were only a few stores that carried them back then but now none do here; I have to order 'em off Amazon; I keep 'em in the fridge, great in the summer especially!
