Why was Shawshank Redemption such a highly rated movie?

I also liked, but did not love the movie. Preferred the Stephen King story it was based on. I think it was just because it was a well told story, with likeable characters, even though they were in Prisons.

Speaking of Prisons, I am following the prison drama from your country, Wentworth. They show it on Netflix
I also liked, but did not love the movie. Preferred the Stephen King story it was based on. I think it was just because it was a well told story, with likeable characters, even though they were in Prisons.

Speaking of Prisons, I am following the prison drama from your country, Wentworth. They show it on Netflix
i dont have Netflix and havent heard of wentworth.

I watched Shawshank Redemption twice. The first time I didn't especially know the actors.
The second time after I became a fan of Morgan Freeman's and I picked up on several things
I missed the first go around. I thought it a pretty good
flix but didn't realize it was highly rated.
What I am wondering here now, "Has anyone yet seen the New Lion King showing everywhere?"
When Robbins was allowed to keep his 3x5 poster and dug his tunnel behind the poster: No! no way will a prisoner be allowed a poster that
large; prisons have shakedowns,: announced and unannounced-the guards never looked behind his huge poster?
If you can forgive that departure from reality , yes excellent cast, excellent story line.

I remain a staunch Tim Robbinsf fan, , have him down to watch, do not understand why he appears is so few movies.
Jacobs Ladder is one of my all time favorites; the plot is great as is just about everything else in the movie.

It certainly did not receive the publicity it deserved. It is classified as an SF film-in a pigs eye!
