Woman Hospitalized - Vaccine Reaction. No allergies

I'm hoping the more reports that surface related to the Covid vaccine, the more people think long and hard about their decision to get the vaccine.

I feel certain that we will continue to see more and more typical and atypical fallout out from this vaccine, and I believe more serious, long-term effects will surface in time.
Two NHS staff members who received the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on Tuesday – on the first day of the mass vaccination programme – suffered an allergic reaction, the NHS in England has confirmed.

British scientists yesterday attempted to quash public panic about the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine which is currently being rolled-out across the country, following reports that two NHS staff suffered an 'anaphylactoid reaction' just after being immunised on V-Day yesterday.

Within 24 hours of the biggest-ever mass vaccination programme in British history, the UK's drug regulator told anyone with a serious allergy to medicines or food was told not to have the much-vaunted jab.

The number of people set to be barred is not known, though up to seven million people in the country have allergies severe enough to require medical care, according to the NHS – while around 250,000 people need to carry an EpiPen at all times.

Both the unnamed healthcare workers needed immediate treatment but are 'recovering well' after they developed symptoms shortly after receiving the jab. It is not known if either person needed to use the EpiPens they both carry with them at all times.

They suffered an 'anaphylactoid reaction' to the vaccine, which is milder than anaphylaxis, and tends to involve a rash, shortness of breath, swelling of the face and tongue or a drop in blood pressure, the NHS says.

Despite the two allergy cases the Government is continuing to vaccinate between 5,000 and 7,000 people per day across the UK with 800,000 Pfizer doses already in hospitals and millions more on the way.

While some are in a tizzy about possible side effects (which if they occur at all, appear to be the same kind of mild side effects that can happen with any other inoculation), our hospitals are now so crammed with Covid patients that there is often no room for any more, and people are being turned away. Including people needing treatment for other serious health issues. And the death figures continue to rise.
Does give one pause, getting covid19 for me even a bigger pause. I spoke to another senior who would not get the flu vaccine because a friend did die...
I'm at risk for so much already...Life is so random, as I'm Five days, away from another Birthday, did not expect to make it this far. Follow your heart...There is no right or wrong...Enjoy your life always
I'm hoping the more reports that surface related to the Covid vaccine, the more people think long and hard about their decision to get the vaccine.

I feel certain that we will continue to see more and more typical and atypical fallout out from this vaccine, and I believe more serious, long-term effects will surface in time.
Some people are so frightened, they won't even think about the risk; which is exactly what the whole idea is.
Something to keep in mind: With any new product/drug/vaccine/procedure, the way they add more cautions & restrictions to it is by bad things happening to more & more people over a period of time - usually many years. And many of those unfortunate people will previously be in the category of "OK to get the vaccine."
Similar to any big news item, like an earthquake or a mass shooting.
The first reports say, "No deaths."
A few hours later, "20 dead."
The toll gets higher & higher as they discover more victims.
Here is the problem I have with the vaccine. How long does it last? No one knows. Yup, no one knows. Yup. Does it last a month, 2 or 3 or whatever. No one knows. How often will we have to be revaccinated? No one knows.

I’m taking the vaccine because living like i am now is worse than any side effect I can think of. I’d rather die than live like this indefinitely. I didn’t work and save my whole life just to be stuck inside watching Netflix.
How about Comcast? Hulu? Amazon Prime? Cause while I have these, I don’t have Netflix.

I still go out as much as I used to go out cause I didn’t go out much. I miss seeing Movies on the big screen. I miss vacations. I really miss Las Vegas. 😂. And going to Texas to see my daughter and her family.

So, I am with you, I am getting the vaccine because I didn’t save my husbands money to just stay home. Oh, wait, spent all the saved money on the money pit house. Hmm. I did not work hard all my life to be stuck inside. Oh, wait. He didn’t work hard all HIS life so I would be stuck inside not using my well earned credit card. Yup, correct at last. 🤣
Thousands of front line workers/nursing home people have been vaccinated without serious side effects but a handful of cases (I believe 2 in Alaska and same in England) have some people running for the hills. Well good, that means more available for those of us who want to get vaccinated as quickly as possible.

I bet some of those patients in California who are waiting up to 6 hours in ambulances at hospital emergency entrances would do anything to get the vaccine.
The latest report makes you think-there is a reason vaccines are not normally rushed onto the market.One of which is they have to see if there are any long term side effects.Which can only be seen after several years of observation.No corona vaccine is getting that.
if I’m still alive in ten years time I will get it then..
While some are in a tizzy about possible side effects (which if they occur at all, appear to be the same kind of mild side effects that can happen with any other inoculation), our hospitals are now so crammed with Covid patients that there is often no room for any more, and people are being turned away. Including people needing treatment for other serious health issues. And the death figures continue to rise
anaphylactic shock is not a minor side effect.It is fatal if not treated immediately.Sometimes even then.

That is the reason those with certain allergies carry an epi pen.
And why the vaccine cannot be administered in Britain in a location without life saving equipment.
Tennessee nurse collapses on live tv after getting the vaccine


Some commented simply axniety but why would a health care worker be apprenhensive about this shot.
She said she has a problem with vagal responses. I do, too, so I understand that her passing out could have nothing to do with the contents of the shot.

For those unfamiliar with the condition, here's an excellent explanation.
Experiencing a anaphylactic reaction has got to be beyond scary. I guess the thing with reactions like this is, we don't know until the exposure. Due to my job, I'll get the vaccine when it's available to me. I don't want it really, but I'll get it.
