Would you walk on a glass floor 820 feet over the ground?

Would you walk on a glass floor 820 feet over the ground?

No Problem!!
As long as the glass was 20ft thick and reinforced with girders.

I've been higher than that on the edge of a cliff with a movie camera on my shoulder and a couple of grips holding the safety line around my waist. Very exciting! So, yes, I would walk on a glass floor without hesitation.
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The CN Tower in Toronto has a glass floor. I have a photo somewhere in an album, shooting down. Of course, it isn't as high as China's horizontal skyscraper.

As for walking on it .. I'll pass, thank you o_O
Yes the CN tower has a glass floor. It’s very cool. It also has a revolving restaurant at the top which I’ve had the extra pleasure of eating at by a handsome 6’5’ blonde haired, blue eyed Scandinavian gentleman. It was most romantic.
So I guess sky diving is out? :LOL:

Tbh I'm not sure what I'd think of the height nowadays. Seem to be getting more timid in my old age. Or smarter. Nah, definitely not smarter...
