You are unique! Don't ever forget it.


You are unique! We’ve heard that how many times, but yet do we believe it? Why do we keep trying to follow the crowd? We so often mimic those around us and often get criticized when we don’t. News Flash – 1714073ba2fbd272b53ce6c0ff20ca95[1].jpg

you were created to be different; you were created to be unique. Our differences should make us cherish each other and cherish ourselves, instead of the opposite. Owning your story is not only sharing all the good about you but being real and honest about your flaws. We all have them, being real.

I've always danced to the beat of a different drum and have done some controversial things. Also I've done things with my mind that made even my beloved child tell me on more than one occasion that my brain is weird. Thank you son. :D Like @feywon I finally stopped letting what others think concern me. I guess I was already a senior when that finally happened, or close to it.

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I have known since I was a teenager that everything on earth is unique. I think it was the pictures of snowflakes that awakened this view. No two things ( humans...animals...mountains...cherries... rocks...etc.) are exactly the same. it is impossible. :)
I think about this when I watch "The Planet Earth" series on tv. It amazes me how every little thing makes a difference.
I have always felt different from others. I think that is why I liked to write. I can say what I think and no one will try to change the way I am thinking. I stand up for what I believe but do not try to force whatever that is on anyone else. I like to say there are no rules. Life really is what you make it and if something happens, you keep going. Maybe you change directions but you keep going. I made some bad choices in the past and have to live with those consequences. That is why I am so careful of what I do now. At my age, I definitely am not doing anything I don't want to do.
I have known since I was a teenager that everything on earth is unique. I think it was the pictures of snowflakes that awakened this view. No two things ( humans...animals...mountains...cherries... rocks...etc.) are exactly the same. it is impossible. :)
Not only that but EVERYTHING IS ALIVE! A rock, a plant, a candle, a bottle; EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.
Pam, This is a wonderful thread! Thank you!
