You Made A "My Future" Home Movie When You Were Ten +/- Yrs.


Well-known Member
Houston, Texas
Now you find it after believing it was lost decades ago. You have it transferred to a CD or whatever. How close were your predictions about yourself? For me I think 75% came true. I never had dreams that I knew were unrealistic, no pie in the sky. All I hoped for was happiness and freedom to do as I please. My work met my predictions and actually exceeded them. I think most of us have an idea where we are headed fairly early in life.

Fairly close, in that I never had any fantasies of becoming much in life, having come from a poor family. I got married, had a family of my own, and today am enjoying doing whatever I so please. No jet-setting or worldly travel, but life is all mine.
My present self would have been disappointed or at least amused by any future home video made when I was ten. At that age, I expected flying cars and manned explorations of the nearer planets by the late 20th century. Books I read from my school library optimistically predicted that. Instead, we were given computers and cell phones... 😾
Just a small portion of my video would be correct. I didn't go into the military and become a fighter pilot and didn't go on to be an airline pilot. I was briefly a private pilot, but that's about it. My ten year old self wouldn't have understood or comprehended my path.
