Zoom Site??

Our family is spread out with members living in Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, Nassau in The Bahamas, and Glasgow in Scotland. We use zoom as a way to communicate weekly at a time that works for everyone. A typical zoom meet up has 8 or 10 adults all on screen for usually a hour or more at a time. One person ( on a rotating basis ) acts as the moderator, so people are not talking over each other. It works nicely for us. JimB.
It's a wonderful idea. I've been waiting for Medusa to schedule one again. I met/saw/interacted with about five or six people for a half hour, and it shows the person's personality, hearing them speak, seeing them, is bringing them closer here on the forum.
I was not a fan of Skype, always felt self conscious at seeing myself while running my mouth, but once I got used to ignoring my little screen and focused on others, it was fine. Few think of ourselves as nice looking, seeing the wrinkles and grey hair, but it does bring us closer.

Unless you don't want people to see who you really are, pretending to be someone younger, then join in. It's a half hour well spent! There are those of us who focus on the beauty of the person on the inside.

Ready to try it....come on....
I have heard that Microsoft Teams is a better/friendlier
and easier to use site, it is also free, if you haven't done
any housework, then you can choose the backdrop that
hides the room that you are in.

I recently chatted with a friend whose daughter set up one of those backgrounds for him. It was a beach with water, and palm trees....so bright it totally distracted me. I wouldn't recommend using one.
Yesterday I had a 2 hour "Zoom Support Group" meeting with the Western Neuropathy Association. ( pnhelp.org ) about 30 people were involved. It is a fantastic way to meet others with similar life experiences. I have had no problem with Zoom even though we are in rural territory with a Satellite for internet.
