Your very favorite photos from out in nature or gardens, your own or borrowed


Keeper of the Hounds & Garden
I've taken a few where the light was particularly favorable. I'm honestly not a talented enough photographer technologically to take a great photo without the help of great natural light. This first batch were all taken in my own garden except the first which was taken in the Van Dusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver, Canada.


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Very favorite photos from out in nature .. in Tilden Park in the Berkeley hills above the steam trains .. inspired by @Gary O's photos.

Near sunset, facing West:


As the sunrise emerges over Volmer peak, looking up and to the East.


From the other side of Volmer peak looking East to Mount Diablo.


From Volmer peak looking West over the bay to San Francisco and beyond to the Pacific Ocean.


Walking with Fletcher and Heidi on the trail above the steam trains with Richmond seen below and across the bay to Marin county.

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As an old landscape and nature photographer, I was out a few times this spring after our huge wet winter. So have lots of wildflower photos including a couple I've conveniently downsized for web use I'll post below. Won't be uploading "favorite". This below image was at Carrizo Plain National Monument in April with the original 6000x4000 pixels a focus stack of 22 shots. Dense Biglow coreopsis, fiddleneck, and cream cups, with blue sky above.


And the below a downsized for web close-up from a 5700x3800 pixel original taken from 41 focus stack blended shots of dense blazing colored roses from our municipal rose garden this May.

I used to get going at 5 am in order to get to Fort Funston beach without getting stuck in the morning commute. Morning has always been my favorite part of the day. Before I got my bad knee replaced I’d wind my way North but looking East over San Francisco and Lake Merced to a gentler path down. On those very early mornings I would be treated to sunup over the city. Here you can see Sutro Tower atop Mount Sutro to the left.


Before the sun cleared the cliffs down to the water, the sky would be in twilight.




But when the sun first shown on the new day the color and detail was striking.

