How do you get people to like you?

They get to know me and see I'm not so bad. A lot look at me and think I am stuck up. I'm far from that though. They've told me. I'm just quiet mostly, I'm a good listener so quiet is not bad. I come out of my shell when you get to know me.

Do something nice for someone. Make them smile 😁

Show interest in their interests.
I used to worry so much about people liking me and having their approval that it got to the point that i ended up forgetting who I really was. Long story short, things happen and just like Popeye, I am who I am and I do not worry about who likes me or not these days. I do hope that in general I am likable but I am not going to change who I am to impress anyone ! (well , except maybe Helen Mirren but doubt I will ever have to worry about
Like others have already said, I am what I am. Love it or leave it ... & if you leave it, I'm probably better off.

Over my life, I've met people who I thought was upfront only to find out they were far from it & completely different than they presented themselves as. I should have followed my instinct because there wasn't good vibes from them like there should have been.

Just act like yourself. If someone likes you for you, you'll know. Also make sure that your comfortable with them too & you get good feelings about them.
How do you get people to like you?

Well it just happens. The more you "try" to get people to like you, the more you'll attract losers and users.

Here's the deal: If people don't want to sock you in the nose then they probably like you. However, even some people that DO want to sock you in the nose might still like you, nonetheless. There are other people that, even-though they don't want to sock you in the nose, may not really like you one way or another.
