6 letter word challenge


What's the proper way to reply to a misspelled word?
Should one just move on from the previous, correctly spelled word?
I don't want to be rude to anyone, but really, this game presupposes correct spelling I would think.
it was my mistake !!!, and i should have been sure i spelled it right !!!! ,,,and now i see i mispelled the word, !!,,,
Now please tell me how many whippings do i deserve for that mistake,,??
Glad you brought up this question, Repondering, although it admittedly isn't the most important issue in the world. But I do think these games have to have "rules," otherwise there's no point to them at all. We all make errors, and I have googled some of my own answers on this forum to be sure I'm spelling something right. And my errors get through anyway.

The errors should be pointed out, but politely. The point is not to hurt anyone's feelings, it's to keep the game going in a way that makes sense.
I've been accused of being a crotchety old fussbudget, but that really is the way I feel.

I also think (this is just my opinion) that the game is much more interesting if we scramble the letters when possible, instead of just substituting one letter and leaving the other five in the same order. Which I am about to do right now. because I can't think of a way to scramble Mitten.

