Anyone joined a dating site what are your experiences?

How interesting. Your going to Columbia, South America to have your dental implants finished.? That is really interesting. I need a lot of work in that area. It is getting to that point. It is really expensive here, and I don't have insurance for dental. I was gonna take it as best I can, just keep losing teeth. The trip down there costs a lot though. That would be tough, and come to think of it. Having the medical stuff I am already going through would make leaving this local kind of stupid, and real inconvenient. :)

How interesting. Your going to Columbia, South America to have your dental implants finished.? That is really interesting. I need a lot of work in that area. It is getting to that point. It is really expensive here, and I don't have insurance for dental. I was gonna take it as best I can, just keep losing teeth. The trip down there costs a lot though. That would be tough, and come to think of it. Having the medical stuff I am already going through would make leaving this local kind of stupid, and real inconvenient. :)
Yes, I got a quote here in the US. Crazy expensive. I have already completed my first phase of the implants. teeth pulled , two bone graphs, two implants . And I got a full set of dentures to last until my implants are finished. Next month I go back for five more implants, wait 3 months and finished. I opted for every tooth implant. Great prices and very affordable. I saved about 35K and I am very pleased with the work.
Dating Sites are what you make it. The freebie sites lure in those who are looking, cheating, curious, or want a quick fix. One has to be on their toes and guard. I find those you pay for keep some of those undesirable people out.

I, myself got close to 2-people from dating sites, but our time-frame was a bit off, thus breaking up. Onto the next one with hope??? Does the cycle end???? The older we get, the less of a crop to pick from.
