April Fool's Day - April 1st

As a kid in high school, I cherished my sleep. Seems I could never get enough of it. Accordingly, I had my morning routine, before school down to an art form. I could get out of bed 30 minutes before I had to leave for school. I would still make it to my 8am class on time.

One weekday during my senior year in high school, my dad came into my room and woke me up real early, 6:00am. He told me I had a phone call. Now one thing teens did not miss in my day, was phone calls, they were always important.

Our phone was hanging on the kitchen wall which was on the other side of the house. So, I slowly fell out of bed and drug my, not yet awake, body all the way into the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I sit down and looked behind me to grab the phone receiver. Usually, we would hang it off the of the side of the phone if we had to go get someone.

But when I looked the phone was in the receiver? I first thought that my dad, being really tired that morning, had mistakenly hung the phone up, after answering my call. I immediately headed back to my parent's room to give my dad a piece of my mind and find out if he knew who tried to call me. By now I am wide awake. About halfway across the living room, it hit me...it was April 1! Dad got me really good that morning!

I did this to each of my three kids as they became seniors in high school. I swore the first two to silence after the joke. It worked on all three of my kids, and they are passing it on to their kids...

Have a good April Fool's Day! Feel free to passing this on, next year.
One joke I remember alter all these years. It must have been in 1972 or 73 and I had just started working in the state health laboratory. I had just returned form my morning break when one of the other workers rushed over to me and said there and been a phone call for me from Agnes, but he didn't get the last name, but said it was urgent. When I called the number, the person that answered said, "Hello. St, Agnes Cemetery." Then I knew it was a joke. Another worker said they do that every year to the newest employee and one year it wasn't so funny because the person they tried it on had just lost her mother and she was buried there.
My daughter has been wanting a book shelf built at her house so has been bouncing ideas off me for the last month. I sent her this picture at lunch and said "surprise, I went ahead and built you a book shelf!" She said it took a few seconds before she realized I was playing an April fools joke on her.

I guess this is what retired guys do on rainy Mondays, spend two hours building 1/10 scale model for a practical joke.20240401_120432.jpg
