Found A Leg with a Foot Attached to it.


Well-known Member
We were investigating a murder and finally the killer admitted killing the young college girl. After he told us that he cut her up and threw her pieces in different garbage dumpsters, we went out to the landfill and the boss showed us where most of the dumpsters from the area where the dumpsters were located would have been unloaded.

My supervisor told me to go home and put on some old clothes because we are going to be here all day tomorrow searching the garbage in order to try to find a piece of the young lady. Talk about a stinking job. I was working with a backhoe operator for about 4 hours and found nothing. I did come up with a box of old coins which I turned over to the DA, but nothing else. We went and scrubbed up really good and had lunch.

In the afternoon, the first scoop the backhoe operator turned over, I saw what I thought was a foot. When we got the rakes and shovels out and began moving stuff around, along with a huge magnet, we found a foot with a leg attached. She even still had the gold anklet chain around her ankle. The DA said that’s all he needed.

They ran her DNA and it was a match to our victim. The family asked us to keep digging to see if we could find the rest of the remains, but the DA said “No” because we met the requirements of the evidence seized. I felt bad for the family, but we did what we were paid to do. I would have kept looking if the DA would have agreed, but he wouldn’t spend anymore money than he already had.

The leg was cut off 6 days earlier, so it was filled with maggots and stink. It was somewhat black and a very dark yellow. Can you imagine if that was your daughter and you saw the pictures for the first time in a court room?

I don't think the general public can imagine what crime investigators, medical examiners, paramedics have to witness. And what pictures may be shown in a court room.

Years ago I took a CPR class and the woman giving the class stated she had gone on a call where teenagers were playing chicken with a train. She didn't get into graphic details but said it was horrifying.
