Nodding off anytime

Believe me folks,
...if you read some of the dry science material I regularly read, XX times over and over for whatever to sink in best, you would also soon be in a semi trance asleep with your eyes open. So can slip away briefly at any time of day though not easy by mid morning till noon.

I have an unusual mind in that I dream 100% of the time while asleep, even if it is just momentary. And second, I rarely move at all while asleep so would be comfortable in a sleeping bag on a rock cliff shelf without safety lines. So yeah, my brain has an enormous and familiar internal dream world [not lucid]. Could write a book haha. I've never woken up from sleep without being certain, I was also just dreaming. Well except when as a twentysomething drinking. In high school study hall tables, would fake reading a book below me by head looking down braced elbows on table with hands on temples and start dreaming about making out with maybe a gal sitting at the next table. And that dream would end in an instant as I caught my head starting to gravity fall forward haha. Also, while driving long distances, nodding off from eye driving fatigue makes this guy often stop for for a bit and yeah actually go to sleep roadside quickly from that stress.

But also spend many nights each year on the road on regional California landscape and nature photography road trips where I may be in public campgrounds or primitive disperse camping areas of dirt roads. In that citation, going to sleep is not always going to happen easily and I have some good stories. What especially bothers me getting to sleep is noisy late night talking and socializing even when I can't make out much of what is being said. So often wear ear plugs.

Oh yeah. I've nodded off at the dinner table, the computer, in my recliner while watching T.V. and even in the bathroom. :LOL: That I'm sleep deprived sometimes is an understatement because my sleep schedule is so erratic and sleep these days comes in the form of naps.
Sleep tends to become more fragmented as you get older; I can seldom get more than six hours of continuous nighttime sleep. I tend to pay my sleep debts with afternoon naps of 20 minutes to an hour or so. I’m now fully capable of sleeping upright in a chair as well, something I could never do when younger… 💤
I drop off anytime,for a few minutes or maybe half an hour. I cannot help it. Sitting at the kitchen table, armchair, sofa, it matters not at all. I feel better for it. I don't snooze while watching TV but more when reading. I do know people who always sleep when they sit in front of the TV.
In bed I sit up to read but just doze off quickly. I wake up and carry on trying to read but doze off again.

Why do so many people do this in later years?
Important questions in determining if you should speak with a doctor about this is if you
1) sort of 'startle' awake from those naps and/or during the night
2) feel rested when you wake up in the morning.
If answer to #1 is yes and #2 is no or even just if #2 is 'no'. Talk to your doctor about it. Could be sleep apnea.
Also might consider if your dream patterns have changed---frequency of knowing you dreamed and if you remember them however clearly (or not) you did when younger?

For me loss of my dreams was most concerning tho i did startle awake during night. What got me to the doctor was developing headaches that in a period of 3-4 months went from moderately painful one or two mornings a week to what i call 'sick' headaches (accompanied by low level but persistent nausea--without the relief of actually vomiting) every single day and most all day. OTC painkillers barely dulled enough to work. On top of that there were multiple small (pencil diameter sized) spots on scalp that only hurt when touched with no sign of a bruise/bite/sore and they moved from one day to next. Plus i was nodding off reading or watching tv during hours didn't usually sleep. At work and driving i could focus enough (the headache actually helped keep awake) but in comfort/safety of home i'd nod off due to exhaustion.

When i insisted on referral to specialist, My male GP didn't even try to hide he felt i was exaggerating seriousness of issue. Imagine his surprise when the report came back that i was having migraines and should have sleep test, then that report came back i had sleep apnea. Once on CPAP all the symptoms dissolved rapidly. i changed GPs.

Also are you sleeping much more than your usual but not feeling rested? We all vary slightly from the 'recommended 8 hrs daily. Some (particularly when in teen yrs) need 9 or more, some of us only need 5-6. Which BTW need not be continuous hours, as long as you get your normal quota within each 24 hr period. Me--i was an insomniac in youth 4-6 out of 24 hrs sleep depending on season. My sleep cycles still change with seasons--but now it's 5.5 -to 7 hrs in 24 with the longer cycles being in winter. Waking is very responsive to sunrise, and takes me a good 2-3 hrs past sunset to feel ready to sleep unless i was particularly physically active that day.
Sleep is important. It is a key method the body uses to get rid of waste material that builds up in our cells and blood. And the body does lots of repair work while we sleep. So nod off as much as you like as long as you are not behind the wheel or operating heavy machinery. By the way when you sleep make sure it is dark. The eyes don’t restore themselves as well if you sleep in daylight.
Many years ago, when my youngest son was about 6 years old, I took him to our local doctor to show him a rash he had on his face. As I was speaking, I noticed the doctor had started to nod off. I started coughing loudly but he didn't seem to wake up until I dropped my bag on the floor. He woke up with a start apologising and said he had a very late night with a patient., I thought he had a very late night with the bottle
because he said he liked a drop of Whiskey. Then he proceeded to give my son an injection in his little bottom and when I saw the needle it
was slightly bent and there was a little blood on his undies, never went back to him again.
About 10 years ago I spoke to my doctor about possible sleep apnea, so he sent me off to a sleep clinic. I had to fill out a questionnaire. One question was — ever gone to sleep while driving? I answered yes. 12 years prior I nodded off at a stoplight and my wife gave me the elbow. No big deal, or so I thought, until my doctor without discussion, or a warning, reported me to the DMV and my license was suspended. Submitted myself to various studies and most importantly got a new doctor. I was reinstated with hours to spare.

Just for the record, the only car to car accident in my driving history (not counting getting rear ended several times) was a minor scape when I was eighteen.
According to my doctor, it's because our livers don't work quite as well as they used to. He recommended vitamins B12 and B6. I take them every day (1200 to 1800 units B12, and 400 units B6), otherwise I'll sleep a total of 5 or 6 hours a day.
Do you have a naturopath doctor or just one who extra cautious and informed?
This is informative stuff.
Im on strong medication that at times, literally knocks me out. I’ll ‘have’ to take a break or I’ll pass out. I’ll get so dizzy. That’s when I nod off and have a nap. It doesn’t happen often. I’m ok with it but it’s a bit embarrassing when we have company. I hope the company doesn’t think I’m bored and trying to get rid of them.
My liver specialist has naturist leanings. He likes to talk about "living food" a lot. Makes sense to me.
Good stuff. Medical practitioners only get a week or 2 about nutrition and how it affects the body. It’s so refreshing hearing sound nutritional advice coming from a conventional doctor. Yayyy for that guy.
You’re in good hands. 👏
Note: will scoop the advice.
Good stuff. Medical practitioners only get a week or 2 about nutrition and how it affects the body. It’s so refreshing hearing sound nutritional advice coming from a conventional doctor. Yayyy for that guy.
You’re in good hands. 👏
Note: will scoop the advice.
Seriously, if I didn't take my B12, I'd sleep all day. B12 (and 6) works best in liquid form, so I buy these (OTC):

b 12.jpg

I drink one in the morning and a half bottle in the afternoon. YMMV
