Oh, God! Why are you reading this?

I eat two eggs every morning. So a dozen egg carton works out just right , 6 days of two eggs per day. Some how this is the way the universe should work. Yesterday, I cracked an egg and it was red, so I threw it away. But now I have an odd number of eggs in the carton. This bothers me. Really, how can I carry on, knowing there's an odd number of eggs in the carton. And not only that, it'll screw up the next carton and the next........I can't decide whether to toss an egg or eat 3 tomorrow. I'll have to sleep on this crisis.

Yesterday was haircut day. I have a monthly appointment with Eddy- a stylist. They don't have barbers anymore. Eddy is Asian and has an accent. I've known him for a long, long time, so we get along great. The problem is when Eddy gets gabby, with his accent, I can't understand a word he says. He's yakking away, and he's laughing, so I guess that where the punch line of his story is; so I laugh. Don't have a clue what he said.
This is often happens in nail salons. I thought the tech was talking to the other techs beside her; then she looked at me and I realized I was supposed to respond. The other techs weren’t there.

Woke up, and felt lonely. When I first got disabled friends would take me to the fair ,etc. But I got stuck at the front gate, while they roamed around. And, to be fair, I did the same when my parents got old. So, the list of friends got smaller and smaller. And I'm 77, and so were most of my friends. I tried senior centers. I hate mindless bingo. And being a single guy in a room full of widows- I guess any living guy is better than none. I'm nonreligious, and don't read much. I'm in a funk trying to figure where I can make friends.
Still haven't solved the odd egg crisis. I'm too cheap to throw a good egg away. Of course, I could only eat one egg for breakfast, but my boss, my stomach won't let me. And eating 3 would ruin my diet. :D :D :D :D
Also, I think that when you stand before St. Peter, at the Pearly Gates; there will be an offer from Dish for a two year discount plan.
BTW, I bitched about those "new", more expensive energy saving lightbulbs. But since i was forced to get them, I haven't changed a light bulb since, and that was years ago. I like 'em, now.
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I eat two eggs every morning. So a dozen egg carton works out just right , 6 days of two eggs per day. Some how this is the way the universe should work. Yesterday, I cracked an egg and it was red, so I threw it away. But now I have an odd number of eggs in the carton. This bothers me. Really, how can I carry on, knowing there's an odd number of eggs in the carton. And not only that, it'll screw up the next carton and the next........I can't decide whether to toss an egg or eat 3 tomorrow. I'll have to sleep on this crisis.
i do the same with my eggs...2...by 2....just as Noah brought in animals to ark
Got to do my taxes, today. Paying taxes on my vast fortune takes about 10 minutes. But it does piss me off that I have to pay some tax service to email the IRS my tax return. Why can't I just send it directly to the IRS? If I owe taxes, I don't send the money to H&R Block, the IRS takes credit cards, so why can't it take my return?
Today, I was listening to music from the 60s, and in particular, "Peter, Pau & Mary". That reminded of the day the music world lost its greatest icon. I thought on myself as, "Peter, Paul, Mary and fuzzybuddy". I bought a guitar, etc. When I was good enough to change chords in less than a minute, I put on a show and sang for my best friend. I gave it my all. After, he said, "You actually thought that was good.":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Thus ended the career of one on music's greatest artists.
BTW, I always felt sad when 'P.P.& M.' sang "Puff, the Magic Dragon". Poor little dragon with his scales falling off.
Still haven't done my taxes, started my diet or figured out the egg crisis. I'm great at making my to-do list bigger.
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Today, I was listening to music from the 60s, and in particular, "Peter, Pau & Mary". That reminded of the day the music world lost its greatest icon. I thought on myself as, "Peter, Paul, Mary and fuzzybuddy". I bought a guitar, etc. When I was good enough to change chords in less than a minute, I put on a show and sang for my best friend. I gave it my all. After, he said, "You actually thought that was good.":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Thus ended the career of one on music's greatest artists.
BTW, I always felt sad when 'P.P.& M.' sang "Puff, the Magic Dragon". Poor little dragon with his scales falling off.

One of my all time favorite songs. I was in love with Puff. ❤️
I never heard Taylor Swift sing a song. Didn't even know she sang. I'm hopelessly stuck in the 60s 70s and a bit of the 80s music. Yet, I'm sick of her.
And , no, I didn't place a bet that some football player was going to get down on one knee at halftime of the Superbowl. And apparently, which political candidate she endorses is of great importance. She may be the nicest person on the planet, but I'm sick of her. I don't know a what a "Swifty" is, but I doubt I'm one.
BTW, I'm proud of myself. I went food shopping last night, and they only had the self checkout lines open. I got my order and I didn't beat on the machine once.
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During commercials, I switch to the jewelry channel. I love that channel. They sell jewelry that goes for many thousands of dollars. But since this is Super Sale Month, it's 50% off. And it happens, it's Super Warehouse Sale week, that's another 50% off. Plus, it's Best Buy of the Day Sale- another 50% off. So, a simulated diamondite in a solid gold-like ring, if sold by Tiffany's would be $10,000, but today only it's $29- $6 on s-t-r-e-t-c-h pay.
BTW, I'm getting bugged by Microsoft for a review of their new "Google map" app. There's always this icon on the screen., asking for an evaluation. It felt SO good to use as many 4 letter words as I could.
No more icon.
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I have a will, but it's over 20 years old. I have to update it. I'm leaving everything to my kid brother. And that's a problem. He's a good guy. But he does not handle money well. Not that he's wasteful spender, he just doesn't know much about financial stuff, and neither do I. After my mom passed, he kept paying the taxes and upkeep, like heat, etc., on her home for three years without anybody living in the house. He'd probably still be doing that if a guy didn't call him to ask about buying it.
I figure I'm getting about $600 back from my income tax. The problem is that I'm only getting it once. I want to get a new lazyboy chair. The old one died several years ago and what's left is pretty much a skeleton of its former self. Then there' some fallen limbs out back that have to go. And I could use a brand new everything.
I gave a donation to a candidate 8 years ago, now, every ex- and current President wants a donation.
Got up for my fasting blood work for my appt. with my doc, next week. I did the "online" checking in, so I won't have to wait. When I got to the lab, I checked at a computer station and, of course, I waited. Turns out my doc never put the order into their computer. Of course, I could WAIT 2 hours for the doc to write the orders. Came home. Will try, again, tomorrow. The thing is- at the last appt, I asked for a script for the labs- they told me not to bother-"the orders were in the system".
BTW, my real name is Richard. When the clerk at the Dr.s' office told me it would be a two hour wait for the doc to write a script-he was seeing pts. all morning. I said I'd come back tomorrow, she said, "Steven, we'll see you tomorrow.":confused:
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After my mom passed, he kept paying the taxes and upkeep, like heat, etc., on her home for three years without anybody living in the house. He'd probably still be doing that if a guy didn't call him to ask about buying it.
Those would need to be paid even if the home wasn’t occupied. If they weren’t there could be liens against the home for non-payment.

Curse on that doctors’ office for not sending in your lab requisitions.
SOB!!! I figure I 'd get $600 back in tax refunds. 6 months ago, my trash company got bought out and has a new name. I had the bills set to be automatically paid to the old company, so now, I $360 in back bills. Also got a bill for my health supplies- I have to pay the first $250. Just got my county tax bill. Thank god, I only got $600 back, I couldn't afford a bigger return.
Finally got my lab work done. A1c=6.0, Fasting glucose= 99.:):):) Yeah, I'm almost normal!!! Now, when I see my doc, next week, he can see how well I've kept to my diet. In the meantime, I can cheat and eat whatever I want. I think this is what heaven will be like.
BTW, still haven't figured out the egg crisis and I STILL haven't done my taxes. I'm mad at me.
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There's nothin' wrong with a little celebratory cheat meal after a milestone like this. Just don't go too crazy, or you might have to explain to your doc why your blood sugar took a sudden detour into dessert land. 😉
As for the egg crisis, don't beat yourself up too much (egg pun intended). You've got plenty on your plate (okay, okay, I'll stop now), and sometimes it's just about prioritizing what's most important in the moment. And don't forget, you've still got time to tackle those taxes! Just take a deep breath and break 'em down into bite-sized (or should I say, egg-sized?) chunks. You've got this! 💪
