Our version of retirement: Living a childhood dream

The Melody lingers on! Haaapppy 55th!🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️

Gettin' some great weather

Built a couple planter boxes for the two currant bushes we're gonna get at the nursery

I was going to secure some verticals in the corners for stability, but decided to just toenail some screws to the bottom frames
Planty secure


Good thing too
I barely had enough screws
Thought it was a box of 100
Got my readers on, and the box says 76 pcs by weight
planter two.jpg

We could have just dug up the huge currant bushes up at the cabin, but the wild currants have zero taste

The domesticated red currants are full of flavor

Tomorrow I'll place them and carve a slot outa the hill side to level

Then lay some mesh, throw in the soil.......and voila ...more berries in a few months
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Funny thing
Took me all day and a goodly part of another to build these
two simple planter boxes
A year or so ago, it'd taken about a couple hours

This AMD has made life interesting
Simple things become quite tedious
quite the challenge

Tough to find the predrilled hole with the screw
then, once found, and hand screwed into the hole
I must hold the head of the screw with two fingers
in order to feel the driver bit connect

Life gets interesting
Raised bed prep
My lady gets sorely tempted to plant when a false summer front blows in

The locals know nothing, and they mean NOTHING should be planted before June 15

So, she fiddles with the soils and certain bulbs here and there



Me, I'm the mower
and toter of heavy things

Again, I have no complaints in regard to mowing weeds this time of year

The garden shed is doing it's job

It contains all the tools, the summer fans in winter, ladders, potting containers, other stuff, and even the mower
Glad I built it a couple/three years ago
Not unhappy with it

I even like the plum tree runners finding their way up the garden shed wall


That little corner pretty well hides the trash cans of mill ends and other somewhat hideous stuff
This summer will be 'the project'

To plant the Virginia creepers in the arbor planters, and lure them to wend their way throughout that less than attractive arbor

I've also gotta dress up the alleyway with some planters..or....something



That little screened box was our solar dryer
Got an electric one (too many earwigs making their way thru the screen)

My handyman bud loves the design (sliding trays)
He doesn't rave over much, so it was quite the compliment coming from him
I'm giving it to him
Sez it will be great for his crops
(medicinal 'herbs')


Summer is coming
No complaints
Gained 6 lbs over winter

Sorry about the typos
My eyes are pretty much shot feom the sunny day
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